服务于大多伦多地区的华人滑雪学校 (647)3678939 167skischool@gmail.com wechat:snowschool167

一路驰滑雪学校是加拿大联邦注册的有限公司,总部设于加拿大多伦多, 是加拿大最早成立的华人滑雪学校。自2012年成立以来, 学校致力于普及滑雪运动, 提高大众滑雪水平, 在华人社区有着极高的口碑。众所周知, 滑雪是加拿大冬季非常热门的一项体育活动,能在雪上自由驰骋是很多人的梦想。滑雪不但能增强体质,而且它能让您的冬季变得美丽而又短暂。今年,我们学校将继续推出各类滑雪课程,包括团体和私教课程。加拿大注册滑雪教练(CSIA/CASI)执教,寓教于乐,耐心细致的教学让您在安全快乐的氛围下掌握滑雪技术,体验滑雪乐趣。

167 Snow School is a federally registered company in Canada, headquartered in Toronto. It is the first Chinese ski school established in Canada. Since its founding in 2012, the school has been dedicated to promoting skiing and improving the skiing skills of the public, earning a high reputation within the Chinese community. As we all know, skiing is a very popular winter sport in Canada, and many dream of gliding freely on the snow. Skiing not only strengthens the body but also makes your winter beautiful and short. This year, our school will continue to offer a variety of ski courses, including group and private lessons. The courses are taught by certified Canadian Ski/Snowboard instructors (CSIA/CASI), with an engaging and patient teaching approach that allows you to master skiing techniques and enjoy the fun of skiing in a safe and joyful environment.


团体课程 Group Lessons

2024-2025雪季的团体课程将于2025年1月,2月进行。我们的团体滑雪课程按年龄分成青少年班和成人班,按滑雪熟练程度分为不同级别班级,同时还分单板班和双板班。 教学地点是月亮石滑雪场(Mount. St. Louis Moonstone Ski Resort), 雪场位于多伦多北边的Barrie地区,距离多伦多约一个小时的车程。

The group Lessons for the 2024-2025 season will take place in January and February 2025. Our group lessons are divided by age into youth and adult classes, and by skill level into different classes. We also offer both snowboard and ski lessons. The lessons will be held at Mount. St. Louis Moonstone Ski Resort, located in the Barrie area north of Toronto, about an hour’s drive distance from Toronto.


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 私教课程 Private Lessons

我们提供私人教练滑雪课程,以满足学员对时间,场地以及学习进度的特殊要求。课程可以选择单板或双板在不同的滑雪场,例如月亮石滑雪场(Mount. St. Louis Moonstone Ski Resort)或蓝山雪场(blue mountain ski resort)。

We offer private lessons to meet the specific needs of students in terms of schedule, location, and learning pace. You can choose either snowboarding or skiing at Mount. St. Louis Moonstone Ski Resort or Blue Mountain Ski Resort.


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