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双板教学大纲 Ski Teaching Outline


A 了解熟悉器材
B 滑雪的正确站立姿势 
C 认识滚落线并知道随着地形的变化如何确定滚落线 
D 雪道上正确的摔倒及站起的方法 
E 沿着滚落线、偏离滚落线进行滑行
F 滑雪的基本知识:雪地行走、原地转板的练习、


A 踏步蹬冰 
B 单个的犁式转弯 
C 如何乘坐拖牵 
D 连续的犁式转弯 
E 如何乘坐缆车 
F 在初级地形进行的提高性的训练


A 为控制速度双板侧向滑行的训练
B 沿着滚落线滑行并进行单个平行式转弯练习
C 改变地形提高技术以提高树立滑雪者的信心


A 利用脚和腿的旋转进行的提高性的训练
B 连续的开放式平行式转弯练习
C 通过倾斜降低身体来改变滑行方向,
D 跳跃练习

Level 1: Familiarity with Ski Equipment and Basic Skiing Knowledge
A. Understanding and familiarizing with equipment
B. Correct standing posture for skiing
C. Recognizing the fall line and learning how to identify it as terrain changes
D. Proper methods of falling and standing back up on the slopes
E. Skiing along and off the fall line
F. Basic skiing knowledge: walking on snow, practicing stationary ski turns,
parallel skis and herringbone stepping up the slope, straight gliding, snowplow gliding, and snowplow stopping

Level 2: Introduction to Basic Turning Techniques
A. Stepping and pushing on ice
B. Single snowplow turns
C. How to use the ski lift drag system
D. Continuous snowplow turns
E. How to use the chairlift
F. Advanced training on beginner slopes
Level 3: Practice on Beginner Slopes
A. Training on side-slipping with skis to control speed
B. Skiing along the fall line while practicing single parallel turns
C. Enhancing skills by practicing on varied terrain to boost skier confidence
Level 4: Practice on Steeper Beginner Slopes
A. Advanced training focused on foot and leg rotation
B. Continuous open parallel turns
C. Changing the direction of skiing by lowering the body through leaning, and adjusting the shape and size of turns based on terrain conditions
D. Jump practice



A 踏步瞪冰进行转弯来提高滑雪者的平衡能力
B 平行式刹车
C 在中级道上进行用刃的平行式转弯
D 点杖的练习


A 用刃或不用刃的连续平行式转弯
B 进一步提高平行式转弯的精确度
C 上山式转弯
D 在转弯时有效的用刃来保持上身的平稳用以来提高滑雪者的平衡能力
E 在适当的地形进行单向的卡宾转弯技术的练习
F 在新的地形雪况进行反复的练习所学技术

水平7: 在不同地形和雪况下的所有中级道和部分的高级道进行平行式转弯的练习

A 根据滑行轨迹来提高技术
B 在卡宾转弯技术训练中提高信心
C 连续的卡宾式转弯
D 在机器修整的雪道或非机修的雪道上进行不同技术的转弯
E 在不断变化的雪况下进行各种技术的滑雪

Level 5: Advanced Training for Parallel Skiing
A. Turning with stepping and pushing on ice to improve skier balance
B. Parallel braking
C. Parallel turns using the ski edges on intermediate slopes
D. Pole planting practice
Level 6: Parallel Technique Training on Intermediate Slopes with Special Terrain
A. Continuous parallel turns with or without using ski edges
B. Further improvement of parallel turn precision
C. Up-hill turns
D. Effective use of ski edges during turns to keep the upper body stable and enhance balance
E. Practicing single-direction carving turns on appropriate terrain
F. Repeated practice of learned techniques on new terrain and snow conditions
Level 7: Parallel Turning Practice on Various Terrain and Snow Conditions Across All Intermediate and Some Advanced Slopes
A. Improving technique based on skiing trajectories
B. Gaining confidence in carving turn techniques
C. Continuous carving turns
D. Applying different turning techniques on groomed and ungroomed slopes
E. Skiing in varying snow conditions with a range of techniques



A 双板旋转的滑行练习
B 进行中弯和大弯的卡宾技术的练习
C 在不平坦地形进行练习所学技术提高平衡增强信心
D 在特殊地形通过提高或降低身体进行小回转的练习


A 在进行卡宾式转弯时加快速度
B 在两个转弯连接处进行加强练习使转弯的精确性提高
C 在连续转弯时掌握转弯的时机,保持转弯的连续性和有节奏性
D 有节奏的小回转的练习
E 在各种地形不同技术的练习
Level 8: Adapting to Various Terrain
A. Practicing ski rotations with parallel skis
B. Practicing carving techniques for medium and large turns
C. Training on uneven terrain to improve balance and build confidence in learned techniques
D. Practicing short turns by raising or lowering the body on special terrain
Level 9: Turning on Any Terrain, in Any Conditions, at Any Time
A. Increasing speed during carving turns
B. Strengthening practice at the connection points of two turns to enhance precision
C. Mastering the timing of turns during continuous sequences to maintain smoothness and rhythm
D. Practicing rhythmic short turns
E. Applying various techniques on different terrains
These final levels focus on mastering advanced skiing skills, with a strong emphasis on carving, balance, and adaptability across all terrains and conditions, 
ensuring that skiers can handle any challenge confidently.


A 在有雪包的初、中、高级的雪道上进行练习
B 粉状雪中滑行的技术
C 在冰状雪上滑行技术
D 过旗门杆技术
E 猫跳滑雪技术
F 自由式(Freestyle)滑雪技术
A. Practicing on beginner, intermediate, and advanced slopes with moguls
B. Skiing techniques for powder snow
C. Skiing techniques for icy snow
D. Gate slalom techniques
E. Mogul skiing techniques
F. Freestyle skiing techniques


单板教学大纲 Snowboard Teaching Outline


A 了解熟悉器材
B 单板滑雪的正确站立姿势 
C 认识滚落线并知道随着地形的变化如何确定滚落线 
D 雪道上正确的摔倒及站起的方法 
E 滑雪的基本知识:单脚固定在雪板上行走、上下坡练习


A 单脚固定平地滑行
B 双脚固定并使用前刃后刃推坡(sideslipping)
C 在B的基础上,能够向左右方向推坡前进,基本掌握落叶飘(pendulum)技术


A 熟练掌握前后刃落叶飘技术
B 加快落叶飘速度以及对雪板的控制,滑出弧线,掌握强力落叶飘(power pendulum)技术
C 开始学习搭乘缆车


A 通过转头和身体带动雪板在滚落线上换刃
B 通过练习掌握脚尖换刃和脚后跟换刃
C 掌握初学者转弯(beginner turn)


A 通过在转弯时压缩伸直膝盖,完成基本转弯(novice turn)
B 保持转弯时的速度,形成连续的搓转

Level 1: Familiarizing with Snowboarding Equipment and Basic Knowledge
A. Understanding and familiarizing with the equipment
B. Correct stance for snowboarding
C. Recognizing the fall line and understanding how it changes with terrain
D. Correct techniques for falling and standing up on the slope
E. Basic snowboarding knowledge: walking with one foot strapped to the snowboard, practicing walking uphill and downhill
Level 2: Basic Sliding Techniques
A. Sliding on flat ground with one foot strapped in
B. Sideslipping with both feet strapped in using the toe and heel edges
C. Building on B, sideslipping left and right, and learning the pendulum technique
Level 3: Sideslipping Practice on Beginner Slopes
A. Mastering the pendulum technique on both toe and heel edges
B. Increasing pendulum speed and gaining control over the board, learning the power pendulum technique
C. Learning how to ride the ski lift
Level 4: Learning Turns on Beginner Slopes
A. Initiating turns by moving the head and body to shift the board across the fall line
B. Practicing toe edge and heel edge turns
C. Mastering the beginner turn
Level 5: Strengthening Turning Skills on Beginner Slopes
A. Using knee flexion and extension during turns to perform the novice turn
B. Maintaining speed during turns and forming continuous skidded turns
This outline focuses on building fundamental snowboarding skills, progressing from basic sliding and sideslipping to mastering beginner turns on the slopes.


水平6:在中级道(blue run)上搓雪转弯的练习

A 控制速度,在机压雪道上的中级搓雪转弯
B 在平整雪道上的初级刻滑转弯(green run)

水平7:在高级道(black run)上转弯的练习

A 以稳定的可控速度,在平整雪面上的高级搓雪转弯
B 尝试在平整雪道上进行中级刻滑转弯(blue run)
C 尝试在初级道上进行反脚滑行练习

Level 6: Skidded Turns Practice on Intermediate (Blue) Runs
A. Controlling speed while performing intermediate skidded turns on groomed runs
B. Practicing basic carving turns on easy (green) runs
Level 7: Turns on Advanced (Black) Runs
A. Performing advanced skidded turns at a controlled and stable speed on smooth terrain
B. Attempting intermediate carving turns on groomed (blue) runs
C. Practicing switch riding (riding with the opposite foot forward) on easy (green) runs


水平8:在高级道(black run)上巩固练习

A 能够在中级雪道上进行反脚滑行练习
B 掌握基本的公园滑行技术
C 能够使用pop,olie 等跳跃技术
D 在道具上能够直上直下(50-50)
E 掌握不平整雪面的滑行技术


A 在所有地形环境下自如滑行
B 以更快的速度在道内道外滑行
C 挑战极限滑行

Level 8: Consolidation Practice on Advanced (Black) Runs
A. Ability to practice switch riding on intermediate (blue) runs
B. Mastering basic park riding techniques
C. Utilizing jumping techniques such as pop and ollie
D. Performing straight on and off maneuvers (50-50) on features
E. Mastering techniques for riding on uneven snow surfaces
Level 9: Challenging All Terrain and Snow Conditions
A. Freely riding in all terrain environments
B. Riding at faster speeds both on and off the groomed runs
C. Pushing personal limits in challenging conditions