服务于大多伦多地区的华人滑雪学校 (647)3678939 167skischool@gmail.com wechat:snowschool167 免责协议Waiver

一、 常见问题

  1. 教练和学生的比例是多少?
    教练和学生的比例通常是1:5, 高级班可能会1:6.

    What is the instructor-to-student ratio?
    The instructor-to-student ratio is typically 1:5, and for advanced classes, it may be 1:6.
  2. 加拿大滑雪协会为6-12岁孩子推出snowstart kidz pass,如何使用?
    如何申请以及使用,请参看网站:http://www.snowpass.ca, 此pass在不同雪场有不同的限制条件,比如在mount st. Louis Moonstone就需要当天同时购买一张成人雪票等等。请学员及家长请根据自己的情况查询相关滑雪lift ticket的购买,我们学校不负责相关滑雪票的领取。

    The Canadian Ski Association has introduced the SnowStart Kidz Pass for children aged 6-12. How can it be used?
    To apply, please visit the website: http://www.snowpass.ca. This pass has different restrictions at different ski resorts. For example, at Mt. St. Louis Moonstone, an adult ticket must be purchased on the same day. Students and parents are advised to check the relevant information on lift ticket purchases based on their own situation. Our school is not responsible for the collection of these ski passes.
  3. 家长需要到雪场接送吗?

    Do parents need to drop off and pick up their children at the ski resort?
    Whether for group lessons or private lessons, parents must drop off and pick up their children at the ski resort.
  4. 自己需要准备什么装备?
    滑雪装备包括防水保暖的滑雪衣裤,滑雪手套(建议准备两付),滑雪眼镜,滑雪头盔(可以自己买,也可以向雪场租),滑雪靴(可以自己买, 也可以向雪场租),滑雪板(可以自己买,也可以向雪场租)等。凡是报名我们学校滑雪课程的学生,我们要求都要佩戴滑雪专用头盔,不能用自行车或冰球头盔代替。可以参看下面的视频介绍。
    What equipment do I need to prepare?
    Ski equipment includes waterproof and warm ski jackets and pants, ski gloves (it is recommended to bring two pairs), ski goggles, a ski helmet (which can be purchased or rented at the resort), ski boots (which can also be purchased or rented), and skis (which can similarly be purchased or rented). All students enrolled in our ski courses are required to wear ski-specific helmets; bicycle or hockey helmets are not acceptable substitutes. Please see the video below for reference.
  5. 应该让孩子学单板还是双板?Learn skiing or snowboarding?
    完全取决于你孩子的喜好。 我们学校既有单板教练, 也有双板教练。

  6. 你们和其它的滑雪学校有什么不同?
    我们是多伦多第一所华人滑雪学校, 我们的教练都是通过考核持有教练牌的注册教练, 可以提供中英文双语教学。

    What makes you different from other ski schools?
    We are the first Chinese ski school in Toronto. All of our instructors are certified coaches who have passed the necessary assessments, and we offer bilingual instruction in both Chinese and English.
  7. 因病或因事缺席可以补课吗?
    很抱歉, 团体课学员自身原因不能来上课的话, 我们不能提供补课服务也不能退还学费。私教课请参考改期规定

    Can students make up for missed lessons due to illness or other reasons?
    We apologize, but if a student is unable to attend class for personal reasons, we cannot offer make-up lessons or refund the tuition for group lessons. For private lessons, please refer to the rescheduling policy.
  8. 滑雪能自学吗?
    滑雪可以自学, 但是非常不安全, 尤其是初学者。 教练除了教滑雪, 还会讲解很多雪上安全以及如何避免受伤等知识。

    Can skiing be self-taught?
    Skiing can be self-taught, but it is very unsafe, especially for beginners. In addition to teaching skiing techniques, instructors also provide important information on snow safety and how to avoid injuries. 

  9. 我应该给孩子报一期还是两期团体课?
    你可以先报第一期, 假如孩子喜欢愿意继续学下去的, 然后再报第二期, 你也可以同时报两期的课, 由于我们的报名是基于先到先得, 所以同时报两期可以确保你的报名,同时享受全季优惠。

    Should I enroll my child in one session or two group lessons?
    You can start by enrolling in the first session. If your child enjoys it and wants to continue, you can then enroll in the second session. Alternatively, you can enroll in both sessions at the same time. Since our enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis, registering for both sessions simultaneously can secure your spot and allow you to enjoy seasonal discounts.

  10. 参加学校的滑雪活动,是否必须填写免责声明?
    Signing a Waiver is a condition of participation, If you have any questions ,please reach out email 167skischool@gmail.com

二、学习滑雪应注意什么?What should be noted when learning to ski/snowboard? Please click to see snowSafety
1、 对于初学者来讲学习滑雪一定要选一套合适的雪具。雪鞋的选择一定要和脚,雪板的长度及雪杖的长度要根据个人的身高和体重来进行选择。
Complete protective gear should be worn, including gloves, a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and padded shorts. This is especially important for beginners, and skincare products should also be brought, as snow reflects UV rays significantly.

Choose ski trails that match your skiing skill level.

Pay attention to the various warning signs within the ski resort and learn about ski-related safety information.

Skiing is an aerobic exercise that can be quite physically demanding. When learning to ski, it is important to ‘know your limits’.

三、怎样在最短的时间内学会滑雪?How can you learn to ski in the shortest time possible?
Skiing is a sport that combines disciplines such as kinesiology, mechanics, and physiology. Due to the specific high-altitude terrain where skiing takes place, it carries certain risks. Therefore, learning to ski on your own can be risky, especially for beginners, and it is essential to hire a professional instructor for guidance.

During lessons, it is important to focus and listen carefully to the instructor, paying close attention to the demonstrations provided.

While learning to ski, you should work closely with the instructor and not deviate from the technical movements they teach.

After class, students must practice the techniques taught by the instructor to improve their skiing skills.

四、滑雪装备 Sport Equipments

以下视频是对于如何选购滑雪装备的基本讲解,可以进行参考。The reference video.



对双板(ski)学员,通常要到六级才开始学习使用雪杖(ski pole),所以青少年双板初级学员不需要佩戴雪杖。

对单板(snowboard)学员,每一个snowboard都必须安装一个保险绳(snowboard leash),用来把板连到鞋上,防止snowboard意外从山坡上滑下去。如果没有这个,雪场工作人员有权拒绝你使用缆车。

The Responsibility Codes provide the basic rules of conduct and must be followed by all using the terrain.


For our students , whether they are skiers or snowboarders, our school requires that they wear ski/snowboard helmets.

For ski students, they typically do not start using ski poles until they reach level six, so beginner youth ski students are not required to use ski poles.

For snowboard students, every snowboard must be equipped with a snowboard leash to connect the board to the boots, preventing the snowboard from sliding down the slope unintentionally. If this is not present, the ski resort staff has the right to deny you access to the lift.




      护臀(impact short)
      护膝(knee pad)

     护腕(wrist guild)

以下是多伦多地区几家滑雪用品商店。ski/snowboard shop

      另外,多伦多还有每年一度的滑雪用具展览  http://www.torontoskishow.ca/